2022 A series of classes offered on zoom, for beginners and advanced alike, to do a single one or annual series. 2022 offers Psychic Development through the journey of Minor Arcana of Tarot. Each month we explore the number corresponding to the month and its subsequent significant meaning in symbolism, numerology and astrology together with a guided meditation. $33/£30 for each class, $396/£375 for 12 hours encompasses the whole 12 month cycle. Offered as individual or 12 hours of classes. Payable venmo @Tara-Beckerley or paypal Hermesconsultancy@yahoo.com
January One cards Exploring your element and manifestation July Seven cards Mediumship, clairaudience
Febuary Two cards Meeting your spirit guide August Eight cards Astral Projection clairvoyance
March Three cards Crystal healing September Nine cards Claircognizance, inner knowing
April Four cards Connecting with the Earth, clairsentience October Ten cards Archangels and Ascended Masters
May Five cards Animal guide and totem November Pages cards Incarnation and pre-birth
June Six cards Vibrational alignment Summer Solstice December High Priestess Seer and oracle Winter Solstice
2021 offers for sale recordings and transcript of classes that explored the journey of Archetypes as seen through the journey of the Major Arcana in Tarot and understand the significance of spiritual stages and transitions in our life and incorporating symbolism and mythology. For beginnings and advanced alike, each class can be used individually or collectively together with a guided meditation. $33/£30 for each class, $396/£375 for 12 hours encompassing the Celtic calendar.
January The Fool July The Chariot and Tower.
February Magician and High Priestess August Devil and Strength
March Empress and Emperor September Temperance and Justice
April Heirophant and Hermit October Hanged Man and Death
May The Lovers and Star November Judgement and Wheel of Fortune
June Sun and Moon December The World